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What is SEA?

The assessment of strategy paper impacts on the environment (Strategic Environmental Assessment – SEA, hereinafter only SEA) is a tool for the assessment of the likely impact of strategy papers during their development and before their adoption on the environment, including impacts on human health.

What is strategy paper?

The strategy paper is a draft of plan or program, including the one co-financed by the European Union, as well as its any change, that is prepared, approved or prepared and approved at the national, regional or local level, or which is prepared to be approved by the National Council of the Slovak Republic, municipal council, council of the higher territorial unit or by the Government of the Slovak Republic, and their development is required by a generally binding legal regulation, decision or resolution of the authority for which it is being prepared for the approval.

What is the legal framework of SEA?

The assessment of strategic documents at the international level is carried out under:

  • the Directive of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2001/42/EC of June 27, 2001 on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programs on the Environment (SEA Directive),
  • the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention of Economic Commission UN on the Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (SEA Protocol) by the SR.

At the national level the strategy paper assessment is conducted according to the Act no. 24/2006 Coll. on the of Environmental Impact Assessment and on amendments to certain acts, as later amended (the Act), and under the SR Ministry of Environment Decree no. 113/2006 Coll., laying down the details of professional competence for the purposes of environmental impact assessment.