Dátum poslednej aktualizácie:19.01.2024
The indicator describes the quality of bathing waters and water quality on natural bathing water.
Act no. 364/2004 Coll. on Waters and on the amendment of the Slovak National Council Act no. 372/1990 Coll. on Offenses as amended (Water Act)
§ 8 Bathing waters
(5) The Ministry (note: The Ministry of Environment) ensures that all bathing waters are classified at least as sufficient till the end of the bathing season in 2015.
To ensure that the number of bathing waters classified as excellent or good is increased, the authority of state water management shall impose measures for improving the condition of the bathing waters, in particular the measures in accordance with the section 36, par. 5, 12 and 14.
The Protocol on Water and Health - to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, 1992 - National objectives of SR III (2014)
The reason for the Protocol´s objectives update in 2014 is their fulfilment, or the need of extending the deadlines for the fulfilment of objectives which are still actual, as well as determining new national objectives conditioned by the situation change and the occurrence of new problems to which the attention must be paid, and which seem to be important in terms of Protocol´s objectives implementation in SR. SR has defined the national objectives already for the third time since the Protocol entered into force.
National objectives of SR III
National Objective no. 6: Reducing the health risks associated with bathing water quality
Date of fulfilment: y. 2020
National Objective no. 7: Mapping the presence of enteroviruses in bathing waters
Date of fulfilment: y. 2019
National Objective no. 8: Monitoring the development of water bodies affected by the development of cyanobacteria
Date of fulfilment: y. 2020
Change since 2005 | Change since 2005 | Last year-on-year change | Progress in achieving of concrete defined objective |
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Since 2004, the quality of bathing waters has improved and is in line with the assessment under the rules laid down in the EP and Council Directive no. 2006/7/EC (resp. in the Directive 76/160/EEC - by 2008). | The quality of bathing water improves and is in line with bathing water requirements | The quality of bathing waters were on the same level as on previous year 2021 and no natural swimming pool had an unsatisfactory water quality. | The achievement of determined objective is envisaged provided that the proposed measures imposed by government authorities are observed. |
During the bathing season 2022 the hygienic situation was monitored by public health authorities at natural recreational water and artificial pools.
Natural recreational water